Child Care

A Child is Safe and Protected When

  • A child is loved, cared for and looked after: Healthy emotional bonds with parents and strong relationships can have a lifelong impact on a child's safety
  • A child is nurtured when a child gets required food and nourishment, health facilities and education
  • Safety measures in terms of physical safety of the child are in place. For e.g. fire safety measures are established, electrical cables and wires and plug points are covered, windows have lockable grills, having compound walls and security guards for big structures like societies and schools, safety measures are in place in elevators, drainage gutters are covered/closed, wells and bore wells are covered etc
  • A child is not abused physically, emotionally and sexually
  • When a child knows how to protect himself or herself, When a child knows whom and where to approach in case of emergencies related to their safety
  • When a child has faith in the structures, systems and people who are responsible for providing protection to children.
A Child is safe and protected when
A Child is safe and protected when

A Child is Unsafe When

  • A child is neglected, not loved or cared for, has no one to talk to. Even the thought of being deprived of love and care can make children feel unsafe
  • A child is discriminated in terms of gender, ability, intelligence, colour, looks, language, race, nationality, religion or in any other form
  • A child is physically abused. OR witnesses physical abuse and violence
  • A child is mentally tortured, harassed OR when child lives in a situation which is stressful. OR witnesses mental torture-abuse-harassment
  • A child experiences OR witnesses substance abuse
  • A child experiences OR witnesses verbal abuse
  • A child is sexually abused. OR witnesses sexual abuse
  • A child is exploited or cheated. As a society we are responsible to ensure that every child in our family, locality, community, region, state and nation is safe and feels safe

Child Abuse Prevention Guidelines

  • Never discipline your child when your anger is out of control
  • Participate in your child's activities and get to know your child’s friends
  • Never leave your child unattended, especially in the car
  • Teach your child to use their voice to allow them to prevent abuse in their own life
  • Ask questions; for example, when your child tells you he or she doesn’t want to be with someone, this could be a red flag
  • Listen to them and believe what they say
  • Be aware of changes in your child's behaviour or attitude and inquire into it
  • Teach your child what to do if you and your child become separated while away from home
  • Teach your child the correct names of his/her private body parts
  • Be alert for any talk that reveals premature sexual understanding
  • Pay attention when someone shows greater than normal interest in your child
  • Create Safe places for children in community, neighbourhood and society: Safe places for children are those where children feel secure and protected
  • Create Structures and Systems where children can express their feelings and emotions freely without any inhibitions
  • Make certain your child’s school or day care center will release him/her only to you or someone you officially designate
A Child is safe and protected when