Experiential learning - Class IV& V

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Experiential learning - Class IV& V

The students were very excited upon visiting the farm. It was actually the 75th anniversary of the silk sericulture farm, and we were invited to be part of the celebration. The Director of Sericulture addressed the students and explained the significance of the farm and what makes it special. Students were given the opportunity to ask questions, and the farm staff provided detailed explanations.

A video was shown about sericulture and its importance, which fascinated the students. They were thrilled to see the silkworms in action and observed all the stages of silk production, from how moths lay eggs to the development of the larvae. They also visited the farm's museum, where they learned that silk can be used not only to make thread but also for creative crafts.

Finally, they visited the area where the thread is spun from the cocoon. Overall, the students gained a thorough understanding of the different stages of silk formation through this real-life experience.

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